Hello, I am Dr. Nicola

I love what I do for a living. My deepest desire is to help you connect more to who you are. After 2 decades in practice, what I have come to know beyond a deeply shadow of a doubt, is that the only medicine you really need more of is YOU!

This is why I created a space to share the essence of Pura Vida.

Through my own journey of healing and reflection, I have experienced what it means to be kind to myself.
I can assist you in creating the changes you desire that will ignite your life.
Are you ready to expand into all that is waiting for you?
I can assist you in creating the changes you desire that will ignite your life.
Are you ready to expand into all that is waiting for you?

I learned to listen deeply to the wisdom of the body and learn how to take good care of me. To slow down.

I learned to heal old wounds and emotional hurts. To show up for myself no matter what. To be in acceptance of whatever comes my way. And tools to help me get into alignment whenever I get knocked out – because I definitely still do! As your guide, I help you slow down and listen.

Through this process of repair, you will see that you are your wisest advisor. By connecting you back to yourself, you will discover that you actually know EXACTLY what’s required to heal. We will face the perceived obstacles and explore the unknown together.

What I provide is a non-judgmental and safe space for you to explore your own story.

This is crucial because where we’ve come from very much influences how we show up in the world each day. And without spending time looking at our history, we can’t possibly discover all the dynamics that are playing into our current reality – including pain, illness, and mental discord.

By connecting you back to yourself, I am able to minimize supplements and medications as you become empowered to heal yourself.

Today, my practice combines 25 years of study, exploration and experience. I still use a variety of medicines, but the intention is to support the body rather than “fix” it or suppress what is happening.

I do not have any protocols as each person I see is an individual who requires a unique approach – we will co-create the treatment plan together.